2020年4月28日 星期二


I see trees of green, red roses too 我看見樹的翠綠和玫瑰的紅艷
I see them bloom for me and you 她們為你我而綻放
And I think to myself what a wonderful world. 
I see skies of blue and clouds of white 我看到了藍天與白雲
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night 明亮、幸福的一天
And I think to myself what a wonderful world. 夜晚向人們道晚安
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky 彩虹的顏色在天空中多麼美麗
Are also on the faces of people going by 那些過往的行人臉上也是
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do 我看到朋友互相握手說著"最近好嗎?"
They're really saying I love you.他們是真心的愛著彼此
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow我聽著嬰兒哭泣,看著他們長大
They'll learn much more than I'll never know他們學習著許多我從不知道的事物
And I think to myself what a wonderful world我心中想著多麼美好的世界啊


Something in the wind has learned my name風兒得知我的名字
And it's tellin' me that things are not the same告訴我今後事情將有所改變
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze樹上的綠葉、微風的觸摸
There's a pleasin' sense of happiness for me讓我充滿了幸福的愉快感覺
There is only one wish on my mind在我心中只有一個希望
When this day is through I hope that I will find今日結束之後希望我能發現
That tomorrow will be ,just the same for you and me明天對你和我都是一樣
All I need will be mine if you are here只要有你在此,我就能心想事成~

Can't Help Falling in Love
Wise men say only fools rush in智者說 只有傻子才會一頭熱的栽進去
But I can't help falling in love with you但我就是情不自禁的與你墜入愛河
Shall I stay, would it be a sin我應該留下來嗎 這樣有罪嗎
If i can't help falling in love with you如果我情不自禁的愛上你
Like a river flows surely to the sea就像河水理所當然是流向大海一樣
Darling so it goes親愛的 順其自然吧
Some things are meant to be有些事情就是這樣
Take my hand, take my whole life too握住我的手 也握著我的一生
For I can't help falling in love with you因為我已情不自禁的愛上你
Like a river flows surely to the sea就像河水理所當然是流向大海一樣
Darling so it goes親愛的 順其自然吧
Some things are meant to be有些事情就是這樣
Take my hand, take my whole life too握住我的手 也握著我的一生
For I can't help falling in love with you因為我已情不自禁的愛上你
For I can't help falling in love with you因為我已情不自禁的愛上你

米達愛唱歌, KTV必點唱收藏歌單 溫柔/豪邁/快歌/台語/廣東.好聽的歌
前幾天好友在FB分享了一樣唱歌手機App, 還不錯, 唱起來音色都變美了. 
可以自己錄音自戀欣賞, 也可以到各K歌房跟線上愛好唱歌的人, 一起排麥共樂
很不錯. 記錄一下自己唱過的,也就是自己喜歡的歌, 這樣下次和朋友上真實的KTV
就不怕不知點甚麼了, 讚 (我這麼認真分享, 歡歌應該要給我贈品才對, 哈哈哈) 
4.5.6年級的歌最耐聽了, 有甚麼好聽,輕快的歌, 有回憶的歌, 一起來唱
#米達在"歡歌"APP唱歌 一起來點連結欣賞米達唱的喔~~ (應該還不會太糟) 
 ˙約定 >>˙親密愛人 >>˙老情歌 >>
˙甘願 >>˙再見我的愛人>˙愛人 >>
˙原鄉人 >>˙後來 >>˙愛情 >>
˙情字 >>˙在水一方 >>˙女人花 >>
˙>>˙ >>˙我願意(邊走邊唱)> 
˙ >>˙ >>˙ >>
˙ >>˙ >>˙ >>
˙愛江山更愛美人 ˙不只是朋友 >>˙冷井情深 >>
˙聽海 >>˙郊道 >>˙鬼迷心竅 >>
˙君無愁 >>˙>>˙>>
˙姐姐妹妹站起來 >>˙鄉間小路(邊走邊唱)>˙踏著夕陽歸去 >>
˙Lemon Tree >˙What A Wonderful World>>

˙孤戀花 >>˙望月想愛人>>˙港都夜雨>>

股票(股市) 新手常識 影音集
 米達ing (youtube)
 為經濟得祝福禱告 (字幕版)作者:葉聖通牧師  禱告by 米達 

為經濟得祝福作者:葉聖通牧師禱告by 米達  

